Orders leave our warehouse within three business days, unless a requested product is unavailable or is being manufactured at the time of order.
USPS does NOT Guarantee the 2 or 3 day delivery - while they make every effort to make those deliveries on time it can take up to 5 business days. You can reach USPS customer service HERE
Fedex 2day shipping cannot be guaranteed by Oregon's Wild Harvest - there have been delays and if your order is delivered late by Fedex you can request a refund HERE.
Occasionally, we will be temporarily out of stock of items. If you are interested in a product that is not currently in stock, please call us at (800) 316-6869 and let us know! We will contact you when it’s available. Chances are, a fresh batch is on its way. Thanks for your patience!
All orders of $50 or more placed through receive FREE economy shipping∞ within the contiguous U.S. A subtotal of $50 must be reached after discounts and before sales tax is calculated. We currently do not ship outside of the U.S. If you’re looking for international shipping, we recommend purchasing our products directly through our international retail partner iHerb.
Orders of less than $50 will be charged common carrier rates based on your zip code and weight. Oregon's Wild Harvest will select the carrier when paying the freight, however, you have the option to select a faster delivery option at the time of purchase in place of the FREE economy shipping. If faster delivery is chosen, you are responsible for all charges.
∞Oregon's Wild Harvest reserves the right to change the Free Shipping policy at any time.
We’re thankful you've chosen Oregon's Wild Harvest and guarantee that you'll be happy with your purchase.
If, for any reason, you are not completely satisfied, you may request to return your order within 60 days of invoice for a comparable replacement or qualified refund. Returns will be approved on an individual basis. Credit or replacements will be granted based on the condition of the item returned and the reason for the return.
Send returns to:
Oregon's Wild Harvest
1601 NE Hemlock Ave.
Redmond, OR 97756