Herbal Love Bath Bomb

You can make these fun and effervescent “bombs” of love. They're a great gift for a valentine or can be a lovely gesture of self-care.
1 cup baking soda
1/2 cup citric acid
1 cup filler such corn starch, tapioca starch, kaolin, powdered milk or epsom salts. If using epsom salts do not exceed ½ cup and make up the rest with one of the other listed fillers
1 tablespoon witch hazel
2 tablespoons of coconut oil or shea butter (melted)
7 drops of neroli essential oil^
7 drops of rose essential oil^
1 drop of cinnamon essential oil^
Dried rose petals for sheer beauty
Soap molds or other molds such as ice cube trays or cookie cutters
^ Use any essential oils of choice. These three specific oils are associated with love and passion. Rose and neroli are great for the heart chakra. The cinnamon is warming and helps with self-expression and passion but be careful with how much you add!
- In a large dry bowl, combine the dry ingredients and mix well
- Combine the essential oils with the oils and the witch hazel
- Slowly add the wet ingredients into the dry ingredients and mix until it resembles wet sand and is firm enough to compress into a shape yet crumbles when poked
- If using rose petals, add a few to each clean dry mold.
- Press the mixture into the mold and press down firmly (remember your sand-castle skills)
- Let them air dry for 1-2 hours and then tap and gently remove from the mold
- Allow to dry for another 6 hours (turning half-way) and when hard, immediately wrap in plastic wrap or place in a sealed glass jar to avoid moisture